Article archive
Frisbeer hotel special offer
11/02/2011 13:38
Hotel Slavia - which is located just next to the gym made a special offer for Frisbeer jammers:
32 € SINGLE ROOM, 24 € DOUBLE ROOM or 36 € TRIPLE ROOM / night including the breakfast.
If you want to make a reservation dont't forget to mention that you are...
Thursday gym
08/02/2011 23:14
We've got a gym for those thirsty jammers who will be in Prague on thursday 24th. Same location as the event, time 13:00 - 15:30 - first jam and than frisBEER!!!
Guests registration
25/01/2011 21:54
Anyone can register as a guest. Fill in the same registration form except the parts for the competition (played formats, team partners). Registration fee for a guest is 27 € and you will get almost the same package as a player, except the disc. That means guest gets free food, fruit and...
Tisková zpráva - Frisbeer Cup 2011
18/01/2011 11:21
O víkendu 25.-27. února se ve velké hale atletického areálu SK Slavia Praha ve Vršovicích uskuteční Mistrovství České republiky ve freestyle frisbee -Frisbeer Cup 2011. Finálové odpoledne proběhne v neděli 27. února od 13.00 do 16:00. Postupně se...
11/01/2011 23:22
If you are looking for a cheap accommodation we've found a few hostels in a good location - check the accommodation section. Please notice that we've got very limited capacity to accommodate you in czech jammers houses. So don't hesitate and register - you rise your chances to find a good...
08/01/2011 19:00
Please give this message your attention!!! Bank transfers - the transaction fee is 4 € per transaction (cross boarder transaction, convertion EUR to CZK) and we can't cover it - so if you pay through bank account please add 4 € to the sent ammount. It's better to pay more registrations in...
Frisbeer 2011 Promo
07/01/2011 00:58
Jammers, below you can check a new original Frisbeer 2011 promo video! I think you're gonna like it :). Also remember that first 25 registred players (who pay the registration fee) will get a superb and exlusive Frisbeer Cup calendar for free! So don't hesitate and sign yourself in!
Frisbeer Cup 2011
21/10/2010 09:44
The dates are confimed - Frisbeer Cup 2011 will be held from friday February 25th to sunday February 27th. The location will be different!!! Frisbeer Cup 2011 will take place in SK Slavia Praha athletic facilities, Vladivostocká street. It is the same place where EFC 2008 was held. We've got...
Frisbeer Cup 2010 complete results
10/03/2010 23:09
Open Pairs Final
1.Claudio Cigna/Fabio Sanna 45.60
2.Randy Silvey/Paul Kenny 44.50
3.Pavel Baranyk/Jake Gauthier 43.30
4.Balu Major/Gery Nemeth 42.80
5.Andrea Meola/Antonio Cusma Piccione 39.90
6.Manuel Cesari/Clay Collera 39.50
7.Florian Hess/Matteo Gaddoni 38.80
8.Bianca Strunz/Sascha Scherzinger...
Pre-frisbeer gym
04/02/2010 08:30
Hey jammers, I know that many of you is coming to Prague earlier. So we took some extra hours in the tournament warm-up gym. Location is the same like the tournament, time: wednesday 12.00 - 14.00, thursday 12.00 - 14.00. Let's jam and have some beer afterwards.