The Gym
With the new gym this year, a new accommodation option is being introduced this year – sleeping directly in the gym. It's free, but there are a few catches. It's only available on Friday and Saturday, and you need to bring your own equipment (sleeping bag, mattress, pillows…). For players who are traveling from afar and cannot bring this equipment, we will, of course, do our best to help in any way we can. If this applies to you, please let us know. Bathrooms and showers are available, of course.
The gym is here [map]
AirBnb etc.
The most popular option in recent years - there is plenty of AirBnb options around the gym. You can also find hotels and hostels via or your other preferred service.
Player Houses
As we are getting older and starting families, this option is getting more and more limited. Nowadays we can offer only very few spots at our places and these are often reserved months before the tournaments. Please, don't get your hopes too high. Before selecting this option in the regform, make sure you already have pre-reserved a spot with one of the local players.